3D Body Scanner
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About the Body Scanner
Cornell researchers are using 3D body scanners developed by Human Solutions and by [TC]2 to study the complex problems of clothing design and fit.
Body Scans Visualized
Body Scans Visualized
A scan captures about 300,000 points on the body. The data can be viewed in numerous 3D formats.
Body scan research will benefit consumers by improving systems for sizing mass-produced clothing.
Fit Forward
Fit Forward!
Compare these two scenarios that illustrate the apparel production processes of today and tomorrow.
Virtual Try-on
Virtual Try-on
Body scanning can help consumers to identify the clothes that fit them best.
21st century technologies like the body scanner are defining a new era of customized clothing.
Current Research
Current Research
Take a look at past and current bodyscan research projects at Cornell.
Background info on the personnel in the Cornell Bodyscan Research Group.
Links to Web sites related to 3D body scanning.
Consult this list of terms on body scan technology and apparel design and production.